Custer Parkway Preschool has the following programs to choose from:

Half Day Program

2, 3 & 5 days a week Monday—Friday
7:30 to 12:30

Three Quarter Day Program

2, 3 & 5 days a week Monday—Friday
7:30 to 3:30

Full Day Program

5 days a week only Monday—Friday
7:30 to 5:30

**Includes Nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack
Nap time from 1:00 to 2:45
Office Hours 7:30 to 5:30

**Custer Parkway Preschool is committed to serving your child a nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack each day. CPP follows the Federal Food Program guidelines, which means we abide by all guidelines and standards set forth in this federal program. Menus for each month are posted on the Parent Information Board and in each classroom. We do realize that every child will not be served their favorite foods every day, but we ask your cooperation by allowing your child the opportunity to experience different foods rather than accommodating the child’s food preferences.

No food containing peanuts is to be sent with children into the school. Please make sure to inform us of any food allergies or dietary needs. We make every effort to honor and respect special dietary needs due to cultural or religious traditions.

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